News 2017

It’s a colourful world thanks to Deceuninck

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According to the latest sales figures from Deceuninck almost half of the company’s products are now foiled, due largely to the fact it holds 26 colourways in stock at all times.

“Colour is such a massive opportunity for fabricators and installers,” says Deceuninck’s Rob McGlennon, “but they’re often held back by systems companies at the top of the chain who are still struggling to get the supply of coloured products right. In 2016, 44% of the profile we sold – including matching foiled trims, ancillaries and cills – was foiled. We could deliver this because we’ve been supplying colour on a big scale for a long time and have invested heavily to ensure we continue to meet the increasing demand.

“We keep 26 colourways in stock to go on our fabricators’ next delivery. We understand that storage is an issue for a lot of fabricators which is why our products are available off the shelf as bar length. To ensure we can deliver on our colour-from-stock promise, we’ve recently invested more into our dedicated fully automated Foiling Hall. This gives us the extra capacity that we’re forecasting will be required over 2017 and allows us to keep feeding into our 140,000 ft2 purpose built warehouse, stocking over 2,500 colour units plus ancillaries, cills and trims.

“To offer further peace of mind to fabricators who may have been let down with the supply of colour in the past, we also have a dedicated online ordering system, Deceuninck-Online, which allows fabricators remote, real time access to the Calne warehouse. This means our fabricators can put their name on products we have in stock and know all these products will arrive in full on their next delivery. Once the online system has allocated the products to a customer, our fabricators know they can trust us to do the rest and deliver on time. This means our fabricators and their installer customers have the confidence to sell colour in a market that is crying out for just that.

“We see it as our responsibility as a systems supplier to give our fabricators everything they need to run a successful and profitable business. That means delivering on market demands, no matter what.”

Contact Carol Hearn on 01249 816969 to find out more about Deceuninck’s colour-from-stock promise.